digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
On Location
Photographs of historical markers commemorating the shooting of a movie on location.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 24 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Land’s End
A series of street views taken in Silicon Valley in the vicinity of new technology companies. The photos show locations where Google Street View comes to its limits and the non-accessible spaces controlled by corporations or governmental agencies begin.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
New Topography
A series of real estate photographs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis when signs advertising foreclosure auctions became a significant topographical feature in vast parts of the USA.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
The Artist’s Model
Finding a nude photograph was not so easy half a century ago. But for interested parties there were books and magazines with photographic studies of “artists’ models”. Art was one legitimate pretext for looking at nudes. The pertinent publications provided plenty of material to look at. Line and Form was one of them. In a second-hand book market I found a copy of this magazine from the early 1960s. One of its previous owners was apparently not inspired by the photographs. That person’s interventions are the resource of my work.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
A very simple font designed for ABCED, a multi-volume book project created by members of ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative to celebrate Ed Ruscha’s seventy-fifth birthday.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 32 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Photogenetic Drafts
This series of 32 photographs is based on the archive of a commercial photographer who donated the negatives he didn’t need any more to the Institute for the Reprocessing of Used Photographs. The photographer cut his negatives to prevent their future use. This attempt to preclude new prints triggered the creation of photographs that would not exist without the attempted destruction. Consistent point of view, consistent light, and consistent poses allowed the combination of two negatives into one single image. The resulting photographs are portraits of non-existing persons. They are based on the genetic pool of the population of a small town in Bavaria. Like in genetic engineering, existing information was dismantled and spliced to create formerly unknown mutations, playing with genetic inheritance, age, gender, and personality.
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 36 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Decisive Portraits
Decisive Portraits is a series of eight b/w photographs and a text panel. The photographs are portraits of black American soldiers taken by George Garland in April and May 1944 in Petworth, West Sussex.
2014 (the 2013 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Nine Errors
The series Nine Errors was made when Breda Photo Festival invited me to participate in their exhibition Another Street View in September 2010. Photographs were presented as an online exhibition that was accessible via smartphone. Stickers with QR codes refering to the exhibits were spread around the city of Breda. So the exhibition existed only on the displays of smartphones in the streets of Breda. Instead of providing the expected images for an exhibition in public space that would be accessible exclusively for the owners of smartphones and that would support the idea of turning public space into a machine-readable surface, I decided to subvert the system by introducing (images of) a series of errors. Throughout the following years, stickers with the very same codes were pasted in various cities, replacing existing codes with error messages.
2014 (the 2013 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 24 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Netzerscheinungen (2006/2007) are three multi-channel digital photo installations that are based on photographic imagery found on the internet:
Menschen und Dinge. 853 Bilder für das 21. Jahrhundert (People and Things. 853 Pictures for the 21st Century)
Orte und Zeichen. 692 Bilder für das 21. Jahrhundert (Places and Signs. 692 Pictures for the 21st Century)
Waren und Träume. 781 Bilder für das 21. Jahrhundert (Commodities and Dreams. 781 Pictures for the 21st Century)
The three volumes contain a selection of photographs, organized in the same 66 chapters that build the structure of the installations.
digital print, colour, 3 volumes
21 x 24.8 cm, 40–48 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Estrelas amadas
The series Estrelas amadas – Beloved Stars – is based on black and white photographs of movie stars found in a Portuguese magazine from the late 1950s. The former owner of the magazine, a young woman from Lisbon, coloured the lips of all her beloved stars in the brightest red, presumably soon after she acquired the magazine and decades before her copy ended up in a flea market.
2014 (the 2013 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Archiv (1986–1999) is an analytical survey of international vernacular photography through the course of 20th century consisting of assortments of images – snapshots, studio photos, postcards, commercial photos, photos of missing people, newspaper images – grouped and classified according to their similarity on panels. The panels highlight the mechanical uniformity and conformity of image production, the collective patterns and rituals of popular photographic representations. The project is a history, a commentary, and a celebration of the mundane weirdness of commonplace photography.
The entire project consist of 726 panels, the book includes a selection of 53 panels.
2014 (the 2013 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 56 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
The series Statics (1995–2003) is an artistic reply to the aggressive visual pollution and excess information in modern society. Media fall-out such as garbage photos, advertising leaflets, unsolicited mail, redundant books etc. was the raw material that was recycled. Using an office shredder, this existing (paper-based) information was sliced, turning information into meaningless matter. The resulting strips were gathered to create visual fields with specific tonalities and colours that reflect the original content.
2014 (the 2013 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 32 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Authentic Replica
Twelve pictures based on Madonna Inn postcards found in 1994 – pictures based on postcards based on authentic photographs of replicas of diverse places gathered in one location on the coast of California.
2014 (the 2012 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Zwölf Frauen
Pixelated portraits of twelve women united by a status unique only to them.
2014 (the 2011/2012 print-on-demand editions are discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Untitled Portraits
Twenty-one pixelated and decontextualized portraits of politicians altered in such a way as to test the treshold of recognition.
2014 (the 2011/2012 print-on-demand editions are discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 24 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
The Missing Pictures
Eight pictures based on placeholders for missing pictures collected from various websites.
2014 (the 2012 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 12 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Twelve pictures based on photographs from travel brochures found in 2002. This series takes you to Postcardland where happy couples gather under a perfectly blue sky and enjoy the beach, the pool, a cocktail, a dinner, a sunset, and a hotel room.
2014 (the 2012 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 16 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Zwölf einfache Zeichnungen
Twelve simple hand drawings based on the Webdings dingbat font (2003).
2014 (the 2011/2012 print-on-demand editions are discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Vierzig einfache Zeichnungen
Forty simple hand drawings based on the Cairo dingbat font (2002).
2014 (the 2011/2012 print-on-demand editions are discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 44 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Bilder von der Straße
Bilder von der Straße (Pictures from the Street) is a thirty-year project which began in 1982 and ended in 2012. During this time I picked up one thousand lost or abandoned photographs from the world’s pavements. Although the collection has been exhibited widely, this is the first time it is printed as a complete set. Published in four volumes, the books present every found photograph or its fragments in their original size and in the chronological order they were discovered. No artistic intervention has taken place except for the inclusion of the date and location where each picture was found. As well as providing a record of my travels, the books document people’s use and abuse of photographs, with almost all the photographs in the collection depicting people and more than half of these being ripped or defaced in some way.
This act of discarding or destroying individual photographs seems to point to a desire to eliminate memories of specific moments in people’s lives. By encouraging viewers to imagine the stories of the people depicted, the project raises questions about the emotionally-charged events that could warrant such destruction. I consider this collection to be a social documentary consisting of both visual artefacts and human documents. Produced in a systematic manner, it is an inventory of lost photographs and memories that hint at the mysteries of people’s private lives and at their attempts to document and destroy them.
2012 (the 2009 Blurb edition is discontinued)
print on demand, colour
29.7 x 21 cm, 4 volumes in a box, 256 pages each
softcover, perfect bound
open edition
price on application
email orders only
Reload brings together photographs from various online image searches. The selection begins to show something of the way in which we photograph everyday scenarios and highlights what we deem to be ‘event’ enough to capture. All of these photographs depict a kind of achievement. The book Reload is an abbreviated version of a digital multichannel photo installation that shows 900 photographs.
2014 (the 2009/2012 print-on-demand editions are discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 40 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
Arcana is a series of photographs made from discarded and damaged negatives that have been collected over a long period of time from many cities. These abandoned images have either been rejected or lost by their original owners. Removed from their original context and scratched by the streets they were dropped on, we are given a rare, altered glimpse into the everyday lives of strangers. There is a kind of violence in the degraded objects these negatives have become, but also a beauty. The book includes the entire series of 45 photographs.
2014 (the 2009 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 48 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Cyberspaces is a series of interior photographs taken from many webcams. It is a collection of pictures that are devoid of actual human presence. The focus of the image unclear, you will start to hunt the image for human presence, for any object that will help identify the scene you are faced with. Bedrooms and chairs, rooms with garish colours stare blankly back at you, until a pair of shoes come into view. Plastic stilettos. And then the vibrators appear. This is a series of screenshots taken from interactive pornography websites, but without the sex worker.
2014 (the 2009 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, colour
21 x 14.8 cm, 28 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Faits divers
“Through photographs, the world becomes a series of unrelated, free-standing particles; and history, past and present, a set of anecdotes and faits divers. The camera makes reality atomic, manageable, and opaque. It is a view of the world which denies interconnectedness, continuity, but which confers on each moment the character of a mystery.” Susan Sontag, On Photography, 1977
Faits divers is a collection of non-sensational images taken from a Berlin tabloid newspaper. The images, along with the title of the photograph have been removed from their original context, enlarged and placed separate from their news story. The result is a view of how image and minimal text can reveal and hide the connecting story in equal measures. It makes comment about some of the mundane news stories that make it to print. The book includes the entire series of twelve photographs.
2014 (the 2009 print-on-demand edition is discontinued)
digital print, b/w
21 x 14.8 cm, 20 pages
softcover, saddle-stitched
50 copies
8 €
Black Books and White Books
I would like to introduce two more collections of books that follow on from my recent work Other People’s Photographs. The project began in 2008 and continues to the present day. It is published as a series of books with grey covers, printed on demand, numbered and signed. These grey books are obtained only through my website. The second and third collections of books will have either black or white covers and focus on my past works as well as new compilations of other people’s images.
The white books feature artworks I have made over the course of my career. They are catalogues of projects that have not previously been available as books or are new versions of out of print books.
The first four white books are now available: Arcana, Cyberspaces, Faits divers, and Reload.
Similar to the series Other People’s Photographs, the black books are concerned with finding patterns within the behaviour of photography. Here, though I have begun focusing on the repetition of word, rather than the repetition of image. These are books about photography but from a more “light-hearted” perspective.
The first book of this series is now available: When Boredom Strikes. In stark contrast to the title this book isn’t boring at all, but very revealing and often hilarious.
Both the white books and the black books are printed on demand. They are neither numbered nor signed.